we care about our ingredients
sourcing, production and above all, how they taste


“Great ingredients + well trained and motivated chefs = good grub! We have formed partnerships with suppliers that share our values to ensure we source produce that is ethical, seasonal and local. 

“These carefully chosen ingredients are then put in the hands of our talented chefs to create delicious and nutritious dishes that are perfectly tailored to our clients’ needs. This is our recipe for culinary success!

“Now, let’s meet a few of our fabulous suppliers who will support us in our journey.”

Simon & Dave


Lake District Farmers

Knowing where our meat is bred and nurtured is important to us. Lake District Farmers supply premium breed-specific meat, direct from the farms to our chefs. They provide full animal provenance, while supporting the farmers and their local community within the Lake District. We are proud to be working with them.


All meat is reared and slaughtered within 50 miles of each farm then distributed from the Lake District direct to our chefs. This means food miles are kept to an absolute minimum.

Bringing together over 50 enthusiastic farms, Lake District Farmers are a boutique co-operative for some of the finest meat producing farmers in the UK.

Investing in a unique breeding programme to produce the finest Herdwick lamb, Herdwick mutton, native breed beef and naturally raised pink veal.

“Lake District Farmers offer us incredible meat. Their focus on service and animal husbandry is truly motivational. The entire cycle from rearing to distribution is contained within the Lake District, meaning food miles are kept low.”

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Wood Farm

Wood Farm is a family-run free-range egg producer with a passion for animal welfare. They believe that happy hens produce tastier eggs and we certainly agree. Wood Farm only ever handles free-range eggs, which means all of its hens are free to roam outside in woodlands and on meadows. 


All hens are kept under the RSPCA Freedom Foods and BEIC Lion Code farm assurance and food labelling schemes.

All eggs are produced and packed at the farm which means their carbon footprint is kept low.

Wood Farm have installed a 50 kWh solar system providing approximately 50% of their total energy requirements.

“We love what Charles and Jo stand for at Wood Farm. Their family ethos shines through and their focus on animal welfare and great tasting free range eggs is why our chefs love them.”

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Fazenda Capoeirinha

We care about where our coffee is sourced, as do our customers. It’s our job to ensure our team are well trained and motivated to make the best possible coffee around. We do this through our Barista Boot Camp.

A coffee we love is our single origin, 100% Rainforest Alliance certified Houston & Hawkes roast, which comes from Fazenda Capoeirinha in the Sul de Minas region of Brazil. The farm is focused on quality and controlling every stage of the process to deliver premium coffee and single varietal lots.


1,540 hectares of the Fazenda are dedicated to coffee, whilst the remaining amounts are set aside for agroforestry commitments and creating wildlife and bio diversity corridors on and around coffee trees.

We are proud to support the Ipanema estate who have a number of investment programmes in place for their employees, including improving education and health.

Produced using natural processes, the Yellow Icatu bean is grown at c800 metres above sea level.

“We have worked with our UK-based roaster to source a coffee bean that not only delivers a fantastic cup of coffee, but also improves the lives and communities of those who produce it. The Rainforest Alliance certification is really important to us and many of our customers in that it meets the rigorous environmental and social standards expected from the certifications.”



Founded by former Michelin-starred chef Paul Rhodes in 2003, Paul Rhodes Bakery has built a strong reputation as the go-to supplier of the widest range of quality handcrafted breads, cakes and pastries.  Quite simply, outstanding.


Winners of the Baker of the Year at the Baking Industry Awards 2018.

Based in London, Paul Rhodes is a traditional, hands-on bakery using classical techniques to produce the best bakery possible.

Using wheat grown in England and milled in London, Paul Rhodes supports local farmers and reduces environmental impact.

“Paul Rhodes produces some of the best bread around. The team’s passion for baking, focus on British produce and innovation in product development makes them stand out for us. Paul is people focused with a hard-working and talented team. This allows us to offer our customers and clients something special.”


Laurence J. Betts

Laurence J. Betts is a longstanding family business based near West Malling, Kent, producing the best salads and cereals around since 1930. Their principles of integrity, quality, reliability, respect and innovation reflect everything Houston & Hawkes stands for and we think the products are absolutely fantastic.


Investment in solar panels has provided a sustainable replacement for electricity used by the farm and its operations.

The farm encourages wild flowers and has an on-going policy of maintaining and sowing wild flower meadows to encourage wildlife, such as bees. Rare species of flowers have been spotted on site, including the Bee Orchid and the Grass Vetching.

The farm participates in a five year environmental scheme that involves leaving areas of the farm un-cropped to encourage wildlife.

“Not only does Laurence J. Betts produce fantastic salad ingredients for our chefs to use, their focus on improving environmental performance really impresses us. The team’s local and global community initiatives add real value back into the system.”
