Sally Abé - The Importance of Training a Team


The Importance of Training a Team - By Chef Consultant Sally Abé


Although it may sound obvious that training is one of the most important parts of creating a well-functioning, happy team it is something that can often be overlooked or left behind. I strongly believe that the best way to get the most out of a team member is by empowering them and giving them all the tools they need to do their role efficiently. In turn this will give the team member confidence which enables them to do their job without second guessing and making mistakes. Training also helps to keep the team engaged and making them feel that they are part of taking the business forward.

Even before a new employee starts with a company it is important to give them a head start – providing copies of the menu, table plan, order of service, etc to look over and learn before their first day will make them feel at ease and also welcomed into the business.

The way in which the training is delivered is of course imperative in how useful it is deemed. No one wants to sit in a classroom with someone standing at the front reading from slides, especially in hospitality! Making it fun and immersive will help the trainees retain information threefold. 

Another thing to consider is to bring in external experts to do demonstrations and masterclasses and focus on a more aspirational approach to inspiring and training teams. I recently held a venison masterclass for the team from Houston & Hawkes and it was great to see chefs from different parts of the business take real interest and have the opportunity to ask questions and try different dishes. A fresh injection of knowledge will always help boost morale and get the team to come together and have a discussion about what they have learnt which in turn they can share with more junior members of the team.

Teams that feel happy, confident and full of knowledge will want to stay with a company that they feel valued by and as the labour crisis is showing no signs of easing proper training is one of the best ways of ensuring this.